the difference between a physical link and a symbolic one.

A symbolic link is a kind of special block which allows us to save data from files and have them as a copy of the original, but there are two types of links that I will explain.
a physical link is a kind of direct copy that keeps the data of the original file but has another name so it is like another way to access it.
now to create a physical link all you have to do is use this command:
ln file new-name
finally to remove this link you only need to use “rm” as in a normal file but it will only be removed when there are no more links

A symbolic link is also a label of a file but with the difference that it does not contain the data of the file, what it has is a record of where the file is located as a shortcut.
to create it use the command:
ln file new-name
with this done we already have another access by which to access our file and this can be useful to navigate the files more easily

the link can be deleted normally but if the original file is deleted the link is damaged and stops working, as a conclusion both links are quite useful but the physicist is in charge of saving the file data and the symbolic one is its address