What happens when you type holbertonschool.com in your browser and press Enter

Hello, how are you, programmer friends, today I have prepared a blog to explain in the best possible way what is the process that occurs when you press enter wanting to access a web page, which in this case will be https://www.holbertonschool.com Even though we are not all aware of what happens, a great process happens inside, so let’s get started!
DNS request:
We will start explaining step by step and we have here the DNS this is a process which allows us to transform an IP from a page to a domain name which allows us to have easy access and prevents us from having to remember the difficult ips but calm, if not You have understood what is happening I will explain this process more thoroughly.
-first when you press enter the cache and the operating system look for the ip of the page you want to access and if they don’t find it, we get to the next step
-Here the resolver is used. Next, the root server responds to thereserver with the address of a top-level domain (TLD) DNS server (such as .com or .net), which stores the information of its domains. When searching for example.com.
- Now taking into account that the TLD is .COM this will find the authorized name servers for example.com.
- now DNS gets the authorized name you are looking for with your ip
-The browser makes an HTTP request to the IP address.
-The server at that IP returns the web page to be displayed in the browser.
finally this is how the Dns process happens but we are not done yet.
TCP / IP protocols:
The protocols are a set of procedures that allow the machines to exchange information, it is important that the machines follow certain rules to interpret the message. It is basically a set of rules that define how servers and clients interact on the network and how data is transferred.
Now we come to one of the most important parts of a page and it is the firewall, since in case there are hackers or computer pirates, the firewalls are responsible for protecting our private network. allows incoming and outgoing traffic between networks or computers on the same network. If this traffic complies with the previously specified rules, it will be able to access and leave our network, if it does not comply with them, this traffic is blocked.
So if we find ourselves in a situation in which we want to access https://www.holbertonschool.com, the firewall will check our ip and depending on this it will decide if it is safe or not to let us in. therefore a site without a firewall is very insecure and in no time could be hacked.
I think that more than one will have seen this at the beginning of the url of a website ‘https: //’, this means that that site is protected by ssl.
HTTPS (Hyper Text Protocol Secure) is a kind of certificate whose main function is to protect the information that is shared between the user and the server such as: passwords, privacy with user names and virtual payments. so if you ever think to buy something on the internet you can see that the website has an ssl certificate.
Websites live on servers and sometimes there are situations where many clients and this can cause the server to slow down or errors begin to appear since there are too many users on a server, to solve this the load balancer arrives which takes care of balance the traffic or to prioritize the clients that are accessing the page and thus guarantee high availability and reliability by sending requests only to servers that are online.
Web server:
A web server is a software program that specializes in static content such as text, images, among others. Examples like these we have Apache and Nginx.
Application server:
Unlike the web server, the application server will take care of the interactive part of a web page such as buttons, the possibility of saving information and being able to use it, and the most basic one is the login.
Basically the application server is in charge of communicating with the database and thus handling the user’s information.
All the data that you have entered on a website, be it your name or city, are here, the database has the important function of saving all the information of the users and allowing easy access to it.
The databases have two models, relational and non-relational, the relational one is quite organized, having the information in tables and we can do them with MYSQL, we also have the non-relational ones, which itself can have several forms since they do not follow any schema.
With all this information we have been able to understand how all these processes work when we enter a page, it is incredible how all this is within a web page and all those years of evolution have served to create a safe, simple and effective system.
and well that’s all, see you next time!